Iron Path Wealth Management, Inc. believes that at the height of financial well-being is a sense of clarity and contentment that comes with perspective. At Iron Path Wealth Management, that is called a client’s Peak Experience. It is the same feeling one feels at the top of a challenging hike or climb where you are simultaneously proud of the effort it took to reach the summit but also humbled by the landscape in front of us. It is a sense of abject accomplishment that so many of our clients seek, in different ways, in their personal and professional lives. The challenge is that many of the best views require risking life and limb to access them and without some help, a misstep can spell disaster.
In fact, the name “Iron Path” came from a challenging hike Dan and his wife completed on their honeymoon. They were able to complete a climb that would have been dangerous and almost impossible with the help of a Via Ferrata which translates from Italian to English as “Iron Path”. The series of iron rungs, ladders, and bars that were drilled into the rock face allowed them to reach the top safely, providing a literal peak experience.